Saturday, July 28, 2012

SeaWorld San Antonio - 7/28/12

Got the chance to go to SeaWorld in San Antonio today. Didnt get as many shots of the other animals as I would have liked, but I got some good action shots of the Orcas. Word to the wise; if your planning on shooting in the Penguin Exhibit, especially the super fast Puffins, bring your fastest lens! F/3.5 will simply not cut it for the low light conditions, next time I'm taking my f/1.8 50mm prime lens instead of leaving it in the locker! Other than the first couple of shots which are of the Alligator Alley's, followed by the Penguin Exhibit, the rest all took place during the One Ocean Show.

Alligator Alley, Waterfall


Penguin exhibit 

Penguin exhibit


Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

Orca, Killer Whale, Shamu, Seaworld, Ocean

I also tried to capture my daughters reaction on video;

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sculpture Falls - 7/17/12

People having fun at Sculpture Falls. (.4 sec @ f/25 and ISO 100)

Another shot of the falls. (1/4 sec @ f/25 and ISO 100)

Bottom on the falls. (1/4 sec @ f/36 and ISO 100)

Just a guy sitting in the falls. (1/4 sec @ f/36 and ISO 100)

Another dried up waterfall. (1/60 sec @ f/3.5 and ISO 1000)